Now that you have mastered the multiplication table through the 5's table, it's time to move on to the bigger numbers. Now don't panic, because some of these you already know! If you don't believe me, let's just start at the top.

Let's use your hands again! If I have 2 pairs of hands, yours and mine, I have 2 x 10, or 20 fingers.
And if I have 3 sets of hands, or 3 x 10, I have 30 fingers!

Do you see how you're counting by 10's? Remember? 10, 20, 30. . . . What comes next?

RIGHT! Now it's time for you to do some on your own!

If you have 4 groups of 10 M'nM's,how many pieces of candy do you have?
4 x 10 =40    14    41

If you have 5 groups of 10 M'nM's,how many pieces of candy do you have?
5 x 10 =15    55    50

So what does 6 x 10 = ?       65       60       106

And what does 7 x 10 = ?       107       77       70

How about 8 x 10 = ?       80       800       810

What is 9 x 10 = ?       99       190       90

And last but not least, 10 x 10 = ?       1000       100       110

Wow! You are really catching on! I think you're ready to GO ON to the next page!

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